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Simplify the Licensing Sales Process: Three Essential Assets for Closing Lucrative Program Deals

Are you an expert, coach, or consultant looking to sell your programs and make a significant impact? The thought of selling programs and licensing trainings may seem daunting, but fear not! There is a simple and effective plan that you can follow to achieve success. In this article, we will inspire and encourage experts like you by providing a step-by-step blueprint for selling programs. By embracing this blueprint, you can navigate the process with confidence, unlock new opportunities, and achieve your business goals.


Asset #1: The Impactful One Pager:

The first asset is the one pager, a concise yet impactful document that provides a high-level overview of your program. It serves as a snapshot of what your program offers, showcasing the problem it addresses, the benefits it brings, and the overall value it provides. The one pager should incorporate social proof, such as testimonials or data, to validate the program's effectiveness. It is an important tool for initiating...

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Growth vs Scale: What’s The Difference and Why Is It Important

Today, we're going to talk about a topic that often confuses many entrepreneurs: the difference between growing and scaling your coaching business. While these two terms may seem similar, they actually have distinct differences in their approach and outcomes. So, let's dive in and explore the nuances between growing and scaling your coaching business.

At first you may think that growing and scaling are the same thing - after all, they both involve making your business bigger, right? Well, not exactly. While both growing and scaling involve expanding your coaching business, they differ in their focus and methods.

When it comes to growing your coaching business, the main objective is to increase its size - be it in terms of revenue, customer base, or market share. Growing your business often requires investing in more time, people, resources, and infrastructure to accommodate the increased demand. For instance, you might hire more employees, invest in more advertising and...

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How to Gain Press by Building Your Personal Brand

It's no secret that gaining impressive media attention can grow your personal brand and your business.But how you gain that attention and the structure of your business that must be in place first are very important. 


There's much more to pitching press than simply landing a magazine article or appearing on television. We want to be sure that your entire business is ready to receive the press and media attention so you can profit from it. According to Brielle Cotterman, a publicity expert - 


Do you want to build a press worthy personal brand and have a strategy to create your foundation of celebrity?

In her interview on the Sweet life entrepreneur podcast Brielle dove into detail about how to go ahead about achieving these results in the foundation of celebrity. This is taking your entire business into account, not just your press pitch. It means thinking about how you’re showcasing your offers and your programs, and ensuring that your client...

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Becoming Known: How To Expand Your Reach, Increase Sales and Become a Thought Leader

It’s hard to become known when you’re head down in your work. You’re busy taking care of your clients, not telling everyone about the work you’re doing. You just do the work, and hope people will tell their friends about your awesomeness. 

But sometimes that's not enough, and to move our business on and more importantly up, we have to move into a 'Becoming known' strategy.

Here are 3 questions to get you started;

1. What do you want to be known for?
2. Why? What's the strategy?
3. Who do you need to be known to?


What do you want to be known for?

What does the next level of your business look like? and what is your role? are you wanting to move into a CEO role or are you wanting to pivot into a different area?  

Why? What is the strategy?

What are we trying to accomplish?  what changes do you want to make in your role or within your systems and strategies?  Are you wanting to make a new offer and be known for this new thing?


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Using White Board Sessions To Increase Sales

A whiteboard session is like a live webinar where you work with your leads, you help them to solve a specific problem, thereby gaining trust and positioning you as the ultimate solution that they were looking for. 

"Whiteboard sessions are a powerful, powerful way to turn your list into buyers. Very faithful buyers."  April Beach.

8 steps of using the whiteboard sessions to turn leads into buys.

  1. Pick a specific problem you're solving
  2. Get your list excited
  3. Schedule your session
  4. Send out invites to the session and make it exclusive and special
  5. Get your tech ready
  6. Send lots of reminders
  7. Host your event. Be the solution.
  8. Make an offer

Now the KEY is how you work step 7 - while you're actually hosting the white board session.

This is what I suggest within my program;

Start by sharing like your philosophical genius and thoughts about the problem that you are solving. Position yourself as someone in the know.

Open the floor for others to share their issue with whatever...

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How To Disqualify Clients To Grow Your Business

It may sound counterintuitive, but disqualifying clients is an important part of business growth. And although this may sound scary if you’re still working to become profitable, but this concept comes from the idea that concentrating your sales and marketing on only the most qualified leads is more suitable for business growth.

"When you have a great working relationship with your clients, then it's gonna be much more successful for both of you and therefore for the financial success of both your clients and your company."  April Beach.

When you disqualify clients, you make more money, because the qualified clients you do accept have: 

  1. better results with your programs
  2. a deeper commitment to their own success

6 questions to ask yourself when vetting a prospective client to determine who really wins with your coaching?  

  1. How committed do they need to be? 
  2. What time allotment do they need to have? 
  3. What attitude do they need to show up...
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3 Types Of Content Companies Line Up To License

If you’re an established business with a course or program and you want to scale - you may be considering licensing your material.  You may already know the benefits of licensing your content and aware of the benefits of increased credibility, not to mention the financial benefits but you may still be wondering how 'content' is broken down and what exactly you can license.
Here we're sharing the 3 main types of content that companies pay for; Actual content, Assets and Completes. 
Let's break it down;
 This is the content that people need to feed every distribution channel and include blogs, articles, emails, newsletters, images and videos. 
This is the assets that people need in order to offer their services or run their businesses and include worksheets, blueprints, templates and forms.
Complete packages are complete systems that people need in order to offer a program, offer or...
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How To License Your Course Content or Program

If you’re an established business with a course or program and you want to scale - you may want to consider licensing your material.  
Licensing is when your content, course or program is used by other businesses for them to grow and make money.
April Beach says Licensing enables what I call exponential scalability’.
Want to know more benefits?
Aside from scalability and the financial benefits of scaling, licensing your content also demonstrates leadership in your niche and increases credibility which could lead to other opportunities.
But would it work for your business?  There are 3 main models of licensing that a business can opt to do;
  • Straight as is with your ™ - Clearly presented with your name and logo with no doubt as to whose content it is.
  • Co branded - Licensing with partnership meaning the content is yours but the licensee also adds their brand to the content being used.
  • Editable or white...
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3 Types of Content that Companies Will Line Up to License From Your Online Business

If you are considering licensing your content or courses from your online business for others to use, you probably have questions. Lots of them.  But let's begin with the most obvious:

What kind of content do companies want to license from an online business owner?

There are three types of content that companies will be interested to license from you. Let's dive in.


1: Actual Content

This is content that feeds every distribution channel.

Blogs, articles, newsletters, emails, images, and videos are all examples of this type of content; anything that another company needs to build its content distribution channels.

It is time-consuming and exhausting to constantly create new content so if you can ease that process by delivering amazing content for other companies to distribute on their channels you have a potential licensing opportunity.


2: Assets

Assets are anything that other companies need to support an end result or to add to their...

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6 Steps to Grow an Online Business and Build an Empire Without Paid Ads

We were extremely lucky to chat with Lorraine Dallmeier about her journey into entrepreneurship and her six steps to building an online empire without using paid ads.

An award-winning CEO of formula Botanica, the organic cosmetic formulation, and business school, which has trained over 13,000 organic cosmetic formulators and ND beauty entrepreneurs in 177 countries.

She was voted the most influential person in natural beauty for 2020 and was awarded the digital achiever of the year for the cosmetics industry by Google.


Lorraine, can you give everybody an introduction, share who you are, how you started out, and explain this amazing online empire that you have built?

I'm Lorraine. I run formula Botanica, I'm a biologist, I'm a chartered environmentalist and I am on a mission to teach the world to formulate.

I run formula Botanica, the online organic cosmetic formulation school, training people how to make their own natural skincare and haircare using botanical ingredients.


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Xo, April